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Elect Lady Christine Christian Elect Lady Christine Christian

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Elect Lady Christine Christian

Posted on Tue, Jun 2, 2020

Worshiper-Prayer Warrior-Inspirational Speaker-Chief Officer-Partners For Christ Ministries

During this pandemic, a corporate prayer ministry was birthed on April 27th, 2020. So what started out as a local prayer week, has expanded over the nation to now include a full ministry of singing, inspirational word, praying and testimonies. When God calls, He always provide the tools necessary to get the assignment done. Therefore, He blessed this ministry with some of the most anointed, dedicated, sincere servants for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the Body of Christ. Our name has since been changed to Partners for Christ Ministry. Those who have agreed to work as partners are; Evangelist Cheryl Wright, Elder Xavier Edwards, and Evangelist Sylvia Wright. 

If you want to hear from God, and know God hears you, join us bi weekly and be blessed. See “Partners For Christ Ministries “ under News Feed. 

   Discussion: Elect Lady Christine Christian

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