Posted on Fri, Nov 18, 2022
Church Outside of Church
The Pastor made a vow to God more than three years ago, to step outside the borders of the walls of our
local church, and to bring the church to others that may desire to know more about God.
Being lead by God, his first assignment was at the Titus Tower building. So historically he would close the
doors of Our Lord's Temple every third Thursday and have service at Titus Tower.
This service is not about building a membership for Our Lord's Temple, but building a membership for
God's Kingdom.
Regardless where people attend church service, the goal is to help people to know God.
It is about them gaining a greater commitment to God, not a denomination.
Therefore, when we go to Titus Tower, we come in praying, singing, praising and rendering an inspirational
word through the Bible.
The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Our mission is about souls winning business for the kingdom of God.
Every soul is important to God regardless of their age, economical status, or nationality.
Jesus has commissioned us go into all the world and preach the gospel, and to show love to
everyone we meet.
We pray that this ministry impact lives for a greater good. For everyone that read this note, please pray for
us and the people at Titus Tower. Thank God Amen 🙏🏽
Please join us every third Thursday.
Titus Tower
800 South Plain Street
Ithaca NY 14850
Service time Every Third Thursday 7:00 pm
can also be heard by free conference line
Calendar Schedule For Titus Tower 2024
FEB 20
MAY 15
AUG 21
OCT 16
NOV 20
DEC 18
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